Earth-27 Wiki
Black Adam

Teth Adam, Ruler of Khandaq


Khandaq is a country in the Northeast Africa. For centuries it was its own sovereign country, but during the colonial era, it was merged with Egypt by the British.[1]

In 2001, Khandaqi terrorists attacked the USA in response to the revelations the Manhattaning was a lie created by Adrian Veidt. Project Victory protocol went into full effect to combat them. This was the largest mobilization of Project Victory to date.

It used to be ruled by Asim Muhunnad, who was harboring Kobra within his nation's borders. He was overthrown in a United States intervention.[2]

Between the Justice League of America disbanding in 2006 and then reforming in 2009 as the Justice League under ARGUS Khandaq was taken over by Teth Adam.

He is generally well-liked by his people but the last major internal revolt against his regime was blasted asunder by magical lightning. He managed to establish diplomatic relations with the UN (possibly through mystical charm) and thus the JL have had their hands tied about doing anything against his nation presently even though ARGUS does list him as a known threat and his own personal diplomatic status has been generally revoked. Essentially, if he's in Khandaq, he's untouchable. If he goes out of Khandaq, the Justice League are sanctioned to hold him accountable for his actions taken outside of Khandaq. However, whenever he is captured and held accountable, he usually escapes and has things smoothed over by highly paid Khandaqi lawyers or he is released a few weeks later after some injunction filed by the same lawyers. Khandaq has a lot of oil at their disposal as well as it being currently renovated as a luxury playground and tax haven for billionaires. So they have significant leverage to hold against the UN.[3]

Trivia and Notes[]



  • In Earth-27, Khandaq is located within the borders of Egypt. As a country, Khandaq is from the Nile River and goes east towards Libya, including cities such as Alexandria within its borders. Egypt is significantly smaller, starting at the Nile River and going west until Israel.

Links and References[]
