Earth-27 Wiki
Oracle Files Steve Dayton 1

Oracle Files: Steve Dayton (1/2)



VOX Archive[]

  • Steve Dayton: [click, door opens, footsteps] Good morning, Kay.
  • Kay Challis: It's not morning...
  • Steve Dayton: Is it not? [footsteps, tap, tap] Someone fooled with my watch then. [footsteps, click, click, window blinds shifting, chuckle] And also with my sunrise... I'll have to get to the bottom of this. Someone this dastardly must be stopped.
  • Kay Challis: In Paris, it's afternoon. In Tokyo it is evening. In Hawaii, most people are still asleep. Time is relative.
  • Steve Dayton: [chuckle] Good point, Kay.
  • Kay Challis: Please don't call me that.
  • Steve Dayton: Okay... What shall I call you today?
  • Kay Challis: My name is not Kay.
  • Steve Dayton: Yes, okay. I accept that. What shall I call you then?
  • Kay Challis: Not Kay...
  • Steve Dayton: [chuckle] Well I have to call you something and I don't feel like using your patient number, so...
  • Kay Challis: [sigh] Liza.
  • Steve Dayton: Very well... [footsteps, chair sliding on wooden floor, clatter, papers shuffling] Okay, Liza. Tell me about yourself.
  • Kay Challis: What would you like to know?
  • Steve Dayton: I don't know... This is the first time I am meeting you, Liza. What should I know about you?
  • Kay Challis: I am smarter than you think.
  • Steve Dayton: [click, keys clacking, computer booting up] I have no doubts about that.
  • Kay Challis: [scoff] I am smarter than the others...
  • Steve Dayton: The others?
  • Kay Challis: The others inside this mind.
  • Steve Dayton: Wait... You know about the others? Huh... How many are there? Do you know that?
  • Kay Challis: Too many... More than I have met. More than I care to meet.
  • Steve Dayton: Meet? You have interacted with them? In the subconscious?
  • Kay Challis: We call it the Underground. Kay created it based on the network of train tunnels she saw on television growing up across the pond.
  • Steve Dayton: Yes... Subways is what we call them here, though not many of them are left... [sighs] How is Underground organized? Could you draw me a map?
  • Kay Challis: I could, but is that really what you want to see during this brief time I have in control?
  • Steve Dayton: Is there something else you think I need to see?
  • Kay Challis: You are quite certain in your convictions, Dr. Dayton... but you could be more dedicated and focused... if you had proof.
  • Steve Dayton: Proof? Proof of what exactly?
  • Kay Challis: Metahumans. [Odic crackle, lights flickering, clatter, clatter, rumble, rumble, whoosh, papers scattering, thwack, clack, clatter, gasp, silence: 1.2 seconds]
  • Steve Dayton: You... All of that and you just threw my pen across the room... [chuckle, drawer opens, drawer closes, clatter] Do it again...

Trivia and Notes[]

  • Debut of Steve Dayton.
  • First meeting with Liza Radley.

Links and References[]
